Travel People: Living Authentic Lives, Finding Kindred Spirits, Fulfilling Dreams
Travel People: Living Authentic Lives, Finding Kindred Spirits, Fulfilling Dreams
S1 E5 Part 1:Talking Exploring 100 Countries in 2 Years with David and Kendra Lucas
Do you dream of travel again one day? Of starting over somewhere else or just getting lost for awhile? Meet my friends Kendra and David Lucas who left Nashville, TN in February to travel to 100 countries in 2 years. I caught up with them in Thailand where they've been stranded for months. Find out why they went there when borders began closing, where they'd been before, and where they are headed next. See their video explaining how they are doing this extended world tour and why. If you're interested, they'll tell you how you can make travel happen, too. Music Credits: Carole Edwards, "Come and Run Away with Me," Chris Haugen, "Casablanca Caravan," Dan Lebowitz, "Mysteries"
To watch the Skype interview with photos go here. Photo Credits: Lucas World Travel
Kendra and David Lucas, friends I met salsa dancing in Nashville, Tennessee, are living their dream. In February they left 3 jobs and the US to travel 100 countries in 2 years in search of a new home. Stranded now in Thailand, they tell us how and why they did it, why they chose Thailand when borders closed, and where they hope to go next. (Go to Chapters to automatically skip to topics below.)
0:01 Series Intro Music Credits: Carole Edwards, "Come and Run Away with Me," Chris Haugen, "Casablanca Caravan," Dan Lebowitz, "Mysteries" Photo and YouTube video Credits David and Kendra Lucas, Lucas World Travel
3:00 Meet Kendra and David Lucas, friends from Nashville, TN who went from working three jobs to living their dream. Check out their site at Lucas World Travel https://lucasworldtravel.com/
6:15 Lucas World Travel YouTube video explaining how they can afford to travel for two years and how others can do it, too.
23:30 Please like their video and subscribe to their channel at Lucas World Travelhttps://www.youtube.com/channel/UCiBb...
23:31 Stranded in Thailand, home of the world’s most beautiful beaches—Covid Quarantine at Ao Nang Beach
39:40 Bali, Indonesia
40:09 Singapore, their favorite city life experience in Asia
41:19 Bali a mixed bag
44:20 Lucas World Travel Guides:
Indonesia https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tgah2...
Singapore https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QKU-4...
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rs2IN...
45:54 Salsa dancing around the world
47:56 Vietnam, Ways other countries are handling Covid
52:20 How they planned travel before and after borders closed
53:35 Break, Next countries they hope to get to on their list
1:03:01. Airlines they’ve used and resources regarding borders and quarantine
1:05:35 The plan after 2 years of travel to 100 countries…